NRTC Energies

Agriculture Solar Solutions

Agriculture Solar Solutions

Empowering Farming with Sustainable Energy

Welcome to our Agricultural Solar Solutions division, where we’re dedicated to helping farmers and agricultural businesses harness the power of the sun to enhance productivity, reduce operational costs, and contribute to a greener planet. At NRTC Energies, we understand the unique energy challenges faced by the agricultural sector, and we’re here to provide tailored solar solutions.

Why Choose Solar for Agriculture?

Our Agricultural Solar Solutions


Solar Water Pumping

Replace costly diesel or electric pumps with solar-powered solutions for efficient and sustainable irrigation.


Solar Lighting

Illuminate your farm, barns, and pathways with solar-powered lighting, enhancing safety and security.


Remote Monitoring

Monitor your solar systems remotely, ensuring optimal performance and timely maintenance.


Off-Grid Solutions

Provide power to remote agricultural sites where traditional grid access is unavailable.

Mon-Fri: 7:00 am-9:00 pm

24/7 Service Available

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Revolution Today

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